Our Vision
Government is led by people that reflect and represent America's diversity and drive thoughtful policies to better meet the needs of the people they serve.

We've Got Work to Do
Across the nation, governing bodies — from city councils and school boards to state legislatures and Congress — are making decisions that shape lives. Representative Democracy exists to ensure these deliberations include diverse voices so that leaders and the policies they establish reflect the realities
and address the needs of our diverse communities.
Devoted to Systemic, Strategic Change
For too long, the ideals of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) have been undermined and ignored, particularly in the public sector workplace. To live into these ideals authentically, we must recognize that current social systems perpetuate and promote barriers that deepen divisions between people and limit access to opportunities for advancement. We must reimagine government structures at all levels and who is at the decision-making table. We must redefine DEIB from forced, compliance-based behaviors to practices that honor all contributions staff make as strengths they bring to the workplace.